The 222 Main Office Building was awarded the 2010 Gold Best of Awards Outstanding Office Project by Mountain States Construction magazine. This twenty-two story building required 4,500 tons of structural steel and supports more than 350,000 square feet of office space. The project begins with footings and concrete mat slabs ranging from three feet to seven feet deep. SME Steel Contractors provided the structural steel as well as anchor bolt frames that penetrated the entire depth of the concrete mat slabs to create unflinching stability. Two seismic systems were utilized. For the perimeter, bolted moment frames with reduced beam (dog bone) sections were used. For the interior core, CoreBrace™ buckling restrained brace frames were chosen. Complicating matters, there was no land access to the site, causing the steel to be erected inside the footprint of the building. The floors were loaded and erected from below. The pinnacle achievement comes from constructing the first LEED-certified high rise building from the ground up in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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