WEST JORDAN, Utah — U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross presented CoreBrace, LLC with the President’s “E” Award for Exports at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., on May 21. The President’s “E” Award is the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.
“The “E” Awards Committee was very impressed with CoreBrace’s more than 300 percent increase in employment supported by exports,” said Secretary Ross in his congratulatory letter to the company announcing its selection. “CoreBrace’sachievements have undoubtedly contributed to national export expansion efforts that support the U.S. economy and create American jobs.”
CoreBrace produces ‘Buckling Restraining Braces,’ an innovative seismic performance system and lateral bracing system for new construction and seismic retrofit projects.
“Exporting is an important part of our sales,” said Dieter Klohn, CoreBrace, President. “Buyers and builders in foreign markets want quality products made in the United States, and we are honored to receive the “E” Award.”
CoreBrace is pleased to be the first Utah company to receive this prestigious award.
In total, Secretary Ross honored 43 U.S. companies and organizations from across the country with the President’s “E” Award for their role in strengthening the U.S. economy by sharing American ingenuity outside of our borders.
U.S. companies are nominated for the “E” Awards through the Department of Commerce’s U.S. Commercial Service, located within the Department’s International Trade Administration. The U.S. Commercial Service helps U.S. companies expand in international markets by lending their expertise at every stage of the exporting process.
About the “E” Awards
In 1961, President Kennedy signed an executive order reviving the World War II “E” symbol of excellence to honor and provide recognition to America’s exporters. Criteria for the award is based on four years of successive export growth and case studies which demonstrate valuable support to exporters resulting in increased exports for the company’s clients.
Patty Johnson | 801.694.3862
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